Vendor Owned Inventory Utility
Vendor Owned Inventory (VOI) providers face some very unique challenges in managing their inventory. It’s difficult to track and ship VOI, especially when matching up Sales Orders and invoicing to VOI inventory. These manual processes consume a lot of time, and are prone to human error. The Vendor Owned Inventory Utility streamlines these processes, freeing up your employees for more production tasks, and increase the integrity of your data.
- Automated creation of Sales Order lines
- Automated creation of packlists and invoices for VOI Items
- Automated pick of parts to the Sales Order
- Assistance in matching customer payments with VOI Invoices
- Conditional formatting of VOI report items
- Excel data export
- Inventory reporting exports
- Import VOI reports from customers directly into VOI Utility
- VOI locates the matching Sales Order
- VOI Utility Automatically creates Pack Lists & Invoices
- When payment comes back, VOI Utility matches the payment with the invoice
Process takes 20 minutes managing multiple:Sales Orders
Creating numerous pack lists
Creating multiple invoices per each pack list
Reconciling payments
You can cut that time in half Saving you 10 minutes per item!
Over time this adds up!
15 items x 10 minutes saved = 2.5 hours a week x Pay rate $20/hr = $500 Week
$26,000 a year
130 hours a year