Exact JobBOSS Customer Portal

Physical Inventory

Minimize your shop’s shutdown time while counting physical inventory and keep an audit trail of all changes.

Our Physical Inventory and Cycle Count solutions include bank-auditable count sheets – simply enter all of your updated counts into a spreadsheet and upload to JobBOSS to generate a report. Each upload is recorded in an audit table, and our Cycle Count allows you to update your counts via a web-based closed system.

To collect counts, you can use paper count sheets, or you can scan the bar code and key in the quantity – whichever makes more sense for your shop’s inventory. Custom Physical Inventory applications also allow you to update your counts in a mass update, saving your shop time and labor.


  • Bank-auditable count sheets, including unit of measure
  • Tags each set you print, including a master sheet for the auditor
  • Easily import your physical inventory counts from a spreadsheet to JobBOSS
  • Web-based closed system application
  • Use your tablets to scan material bar code and key in the physical count quantity