Exact JobBOSS Customer Portal

Custom Barcode Report

Add barcodes to your standard JobBOSS reports:

Simply add barcodes to your standard JobBOSS reports to electronically monitor product transfers and meet customer requirements.

Monitor your shop’s inventory accurately, real time with Barcode Reports. Shops can increase their inventory tracking by implementing barcodes in their shipping, receiving and production processes.

  • Shipping: fields on shipping labels and pack lists can be barcoded for improved product tracking.
  • Receiving: barcoded labels can track products received and tie them to a purchase order.
  • Production: a barcoded finished goods label created with the Traveler facilitates the transfer of a product to inventory as the last step of the production cycle.
Custom Barcode Reports is a seamless barcoding capability that is easily installed within JobBOSS. No tasks or subscriptions are required outside the application to produce reports or labels with bar code fields. Custom Barcode Reports allows shops to optimize inventory processes while meeting customer requirements for a minimal cost.